Once we heard Independence Hall was open again we immediately started planning a trip to visit Pennsylvania in the fall. Matt and I have a goal to see all fifty states together. In the 14 years we have known each other we have been to 37 states together. Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey made states 38-40 for us. My friend Kylie lived in Philadelphia for four years so I asked her what they did in the area and she gave me some great tips. I loved that this trip could double as a field trip since we are learning early US history for home-school.
What did we do to Prepare the Kids for the Trip?
The kids read a book about Betsy Ross and the Liberty Bell. We started watching a fantastic series called Liberty Kids. So much of the series is true and has a star studded list of people who did voices. We also watched the movie National Treasure. I looked up some of the famous pieces of art work at the Philadelphia museum. We learned about Piet Mondrian and Pablo Picasso (Three Musicians) before our trip. As a matter of fact the Three Musicians was the first piece of art work we took the kids to see and they were thrilled they knew the art work and the artist. I hope because we did a little preparation for the trip that they will be able to remember the things they learned better.

Unexpected Celebration in Delaware
Coincidentally the day we were planning on going to Delaware was the same day (and location) President Biden was going to be giving his acceptance speech. We planned to do a stroll down the River Walk in Wilmington, Delaware. It was fun being there when there was so much excitement in the town and be among a “crowd”. We stayed away from the crowds did the walk took a few photos and drove on to Philadelphia. We didn’t stay for his actual speech. There was already a lot of security and traffic in the area. It was great to be there on a historic day. It didn’t hurt that there were still vibrant falls colors and pleasant weather.

On to Philadelphia
After our stop in Wilmington we spent two nights at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Philadelphia. We wanted to be within walking distance to the historical sites. The first night Matt and one of the kids walked to get take out. We try to do one on one time with the kids and this provided a good time to do that. They got Philly Cheese Steaks at “Oh Brother Philly.” We were told to eat at Pats or Gino’s since they are the original Philly Cheese Steak locations but we just wanted something we could walk to.
On Sunday morning we were able to walk to see Benjamin Franklin’s Grave, Christ Church, and did the first available tour of the morning at Betsy Ross’s house. If you are able to walk I would recommend doing so because the streets and sidewalks are cobblestone, there are random statues we would not have seen otherwise and we saw street food vendors. We were in a real city (a novelty for us). It was neat being in the historic city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the fall. We then got in our car to drive around to see City Hall (beautiful building but unsettling to see parts boarded up and the national guard and dogs for security), the Philadelphia temple and the Love Statue (much smaller than I thought it would be).

We parked at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and enjoyed a few hours in the museum. Like our Chicago trip I was able to get museum tickets for free because we are Bank of America members. The outside of the museum was great to walk around as well as the inside of the museum not only because you could see Pennsylvania in the fall but also other statues and the “Rocky steps and statue”. Then we went to New Jersey to see the USS New Jersey Battleship.

What to do in New Jersey?
In our quest to see all of the states, we knew we wanted to go to New Jersey. New Jersey is literally right across the bridge from Philadelphia. We were limited on time and looked through trip advisor on what to do. My friend Kylie told us that they did the battleship and enjoyed it. She warned me that we would have to pay a toll to go back to Philadelphia (she knows my detest for paying tolls so I was glad to be forewarned).

The battleship is highly rated and my kids said it was a highlight of their trip. They did all of the paths in the battleship. It wasn’t high on my list of things to do (and a little pricey) but we decided to go for it because it was close to Philadelphia. I am so glad we did. The battleship provided a beautiful view of the city of Philadelphia as well. After the battleship we retired to our hotel. Matt took one of the kids to walk to Chinatown to get take out. We got take out at Nan Zhou Hand Drawn Noodle House. Matt said he felt safe walking with our children in the early evening to get take out.

Pennsylvania in the Fall
On Monday we walked to Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and Reading Market. Kylie told me Reading Market is actually pronounced “Redding”. She also pointed out that the Reading Railroad in the game of Monopoly is from Philadelphia. After all these years I now know where it came from. We let the kids each pick a snack from Reading Market and we were amused that we recognized one of the scenes from National Treasure.

After lunch of peanut butter sandwiches at our car we headed to Valley Forge. The kids had just watched the episode of Valley Forge in Liberty Kids so they were very excited to see Valley Forge in person. I can’t imagine being a solider and spending a winter in Valley Forge in tents. We were so lucky to see red, orange and yellow trees on our drive. Pennsylvania in the fall is a real treat. We were even luckier that the temperature was brisk in the morning but warm in the afternoon. It was so nice not to lug our jackets around (we did pack them just in case).
My in laws went to Pennsylvania around Christmas one year and it was freezing. They said that they could have walked to a lot of places but since it was so cold they took an Uber everywhere. My in-laws also gave us some great recommendations for our trip.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Then we drove to Lancaster to do an Amish Tour. I have mixed emotions about the tour. We enjoyed the tour and had a lovely time seeing animals on the farm. I felt like I learned more about the Amish. Ever since reading the parenting book “More than Happy,” I’ve had an increased curiosity about the Amish. However, the tour we went on wasn’t run by actual people who were Amish. I don’t know if there is a tour run by the actual Amish (are Amish allowed to do that?). The tour guide said that the company has a good relationship with the Amish people. That’s where my mixed emotions come into play- if someone was to do a tour of my faith I would want them to get a tour from someone actively practicing my faith.

Once the tour was done, we got Chipotle for dinner and started our trek back south. We spent the night in Baltimore, Maryland. Tuesday morning we went to DC to Steven F. Udvar-Hazy National Air and Space Museum.
Tuesday night we spent in Fayetteville, North Carolina and Wednesday we drove home to Florida. I am so glad we got to go to Pennsylvania in the fall. If I were to go back to Pennsylvania I would still like to see the Hershey Chocolate Factory, Susquehanna, and Falling Water. Have you been to Pennsylvania? What did you do?
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