In May of 2018, we went to a Strawberry U-Pick at Eckert’s Farm. Growing up in Florida strawberry season is in March; so, I felt like I had to wait so long to get my strawberry fill. We had an added bonus and got to pick asparagus as well. I can see why asparagus cost’s so much because there was one stalk sticking out of the ground whereas with berries there is a whole cluster at each location. The strawberry field was lush and green and the asparagus field (which was right next to the strawberries) looked barren with some green stalks sticking up out of the ground.

What did we bring?
We just brought Gatorade, sunscreen, sunglasses and hats. The Farm provided the basket and the admission fee covered the ride to the strawberry field. You can see the tractor ride we got. A trailer is connected to the tractor and away we went. The tractor ride was part of the fun going to the farm.

After we were done picking our fruit and vegetable we paid per pound. We walked through the county store afterwards and used the restrooms before our drive back to St. Louis. I took the kids peach and black berry picking the summer before at Eckert’s so it was nice to have our whole family come this time. If we had lived in St. Louis longer it looks like there are other opportunities to pick different fruits, vegetables and even sun flowers. Have you been to the Strawberry U-Pick at Eckert’s Farm?

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