This year the kids and I were out of town for most of October. While going through our closets (and my parent’s) I was able to pull these together. My daughter had a Pocahontas costume already from my cousin. So, I thought what could we be (besides characters from the movie Pocahontas) and thought I would base it off of the children’s game “Cowboys and Indians.” I don’t think that’s politically correct anymore so we have Cowboys and Native American Family Costumes. Matt got a Native American top but everything else we had or borrowed. I also made the feathered headband my daughter is wearing out of supplies we already had. What costumes can you come up with using things mostly from your home?

Our family picture was taken at our apartment complex’s Halloween Party. I was so thankful they threw a part and had the area decorated. It made for easy photos to take them of the kids with the pumpkins and hay barrels. Since our kids are still young we went to the Mall to go trick-or-treating. They got a few pieces of candy and they were good for the night. Have you just gone to the mall to go trick-or-treating before?

This is actually our first year doing a complete family Halloween costume. Last year we only had a partial family costume because of me. I couldn’t pass up the chance to do a pregnant costume photo with a baby coming out of my tummy. What do you think of our Cowboys and Native American Family Costumes?

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