Maine is the place I ate two lobsters in one sitting. We got to go with Matt’s family to Maine for a summer vacation in 2009. In Portland, we had lobster rolls at the Lobster Shacks at Two Lights and did a lobster boat tour. After this trip my mother-in-law gave me books written by Linda Greenlaw and I’ve read and enjoyed several of her books.

Ate Two Lobsters
We went to the flagship L.L. Bean store and had Simply Divine Heavenly Brownies. We embarked on a clam bake (or in my mind a lobster bake) from Boothbay Harbor to Cabbage Island. My memories of a clam bake are from the movie Carousel. Each person receives two lobsters, corn on the cob, hard-boiled egg, potatoes, blueberry cake and fish chowder. There was so much food. I had my fill of lobster on that trip. I have to say I’m pretty proud of myself to break open my own lobster.

Acadia National Park & Lumberjack show
We also went to Acadia National Park. The trails we did were the Ocean Walk Trail and Jordan Pond. We drove and saw the top of Cadillac Mountain. Later that evening we left Acadia National Park and went to Trenton to watch Timber Tina’s Lumberjack Show. I learned a bit of the logging history in Maine and that being a lumberjack/lumberjill is a sport. There are still competitions today involving lumber.
Great memories were created in Maine. I will always remember Maine as the state that I ate two lobsters in one sitting. The quadruple L for Maine are lighthouses, L.L. Bean, lumbar, and lobsters are what I remember of Maine (and the rocky coastline but that doesn’t start with L).

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